Manage Your Workplace with Futuristic Automation Workflow

Experience the efficiency, precision, and simplicity of Automated HRMS Management - because you deserve the best, and so does your workforce.

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Attendance Management: Week-Off Variant!

Our system effortlessly manages employee attendance, including the innovative Week-Off Variant feature. This cutting-edge functionality adapts to dynamic schedules, ensuring accurate records and eliminating the headaches of time-consuming manual tracking.


Leave Management: Leave Policies, Holiday Policies

Never miss a beat when it comes to employee time off. Our Automated HRMS Management handles leave requests seamlessly, incorporating customisable leave policies and holiday management. Streamline the approval process, reduce errors, and create a harmonious work-life balance for your team.

Notifications: Event Reminders

Keep your workforce in the loop with our intelligent notification system. No more missed meetings or important events. Our system sends timely reminders, ensuring that everyone stays on track and engaged. Boost productivity and create a more connected and informed workplace with automated event reminders.


Shift Management

Customise and automate shift schedules, making workforce planning a breeze. Minimise scheduling conflicts, enhance communication and optimise productivity with a system that adapts to your organisation's unique needs.

Duty Roster

Create organised and effective duty rosters effortlessly. Our Automated HRMS Management simplifies the process of assigning duties, ensuring that responsibilities are distributed evenly. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a well-organised workforce ready to tackle any challenge.



Navigate the complex world of employee benefits effortlessly with our comprehensive PF (Provident Fund) and ESI (Employee State Insurance) management. Our system ensures accurate calculations, timely submissions, and compliance with regulatory requirements, giving you peace of mind and your employees the benefits they deserve.

What is Automated HRMS Management?

HR automation is a computerised service that enables HR professionals to manage personnel more efficiently and effectively. It has revolutionised the traditional HR office by taking over jobs that involve high-risk factors and performing menial tasks with greater efficiency and consistency. By automating these tasks, HR professionals can focus their time and efforts on more important matters, such as strategic planning and employee engagement. Automated HRMS Management is the game-changer your business needs. It's a state-of-the-art system designed to streamline and enhance your human resource processes. From attendance and leave management to notifications, shift management, duty roster creation, and benefits administration, our system takes care of it all. automated-hrms-management